Vanishing Treasures - 4 Images
Tiger Checks Capture the Power of Big Cats in Wildlife Personal Checks of Breathtaking Artistry - Green eyes flash with sudden intensity, and the massive head lowers as over six hundred pounds of ferocious power prepares to unleash its lethal force. Suddenly, the magnificent tiger explodes from hiding in an incredible show of stealth and strength. It's a moment full of intensity and energy that only a master artisan like John Seerey-Lester could envision with integrity. Now, Bradford Exchange Checks exclusively presents four of John Seerey-Lester's most highly-sought big cat portraits of the elusive lord of the wild, the tiger. Featuring both the Bengal tiger and the rarest of all big cats, the white tiger, his award-winning artistry captures every thrilling nuance of a living tiger's sinewy power, explosive energy and mesmerizing gaze. The Vanishing Treasures artistic personal tiger checks are available exclusively from Bradford Exchange Checks, and are expertly re-created with premium-quality check printing. Carry these tiger wildlife checks with you to show that these endangered big cats will forever reign supreme in your heart - order your Vanishing Treasures artistic personal tiger checks now! Pricing shown is for 2 boxes of Singles.
