Tootsie Roll and other Classic Candies - 8 Images
Tootsie Roll Check Designs Make Every Day Sweeter! - Got a sweet tooth? Satisfy your candy cravings with Tootsie Roll check designs from Bradford Exchange Checks! Six different designs showcase the logos of your favorite treats and bring back plenty of nostalgic fun. There are Dots, Junior Mints, Sugar Daddy, Charleston Chew, and Tootsie Roll POP personal checks. Plus, there are two terrific Tootsie Roll check designs - the classic Tootsie Roll logo, and a nostalgic What's Up Toots? And they're all delightfully delicious ! You'll also enjoy the fact that your Tootsie Roll check designs are just as practical as they are fun. Brought to you exclusively by Bradford Exchange Checks, each is expertly re-created with premium-quality check printing. We've made it easy to order online, so hurry! It's time to get your Tootsie Roll checks - order now! Pricing shown is for 2 boxes of Singles.
