Hemp Personal Checks

Please Keep Off The Grass Checks

Please Keep Off The Grass Checks

Legalize Checks - These humorous medicinal weed personal checks are subtle and discreet, but get the message across to all who are listening! Whether an activist, "practitioner", or both, add some momentum to the cause one check at a time! Buy a box and get it done!

Legalize Weed Personal Checks

Legalize Weed Personal Checks

Wanna send a message? Stick it to the man with these awesome "Legalize It" personal checks! Four clever messages to spread around include:

  • Got Buzz?
  • Tax It
  • Weed My Lips!
  • Legalize Hemp

Legalize Weed Camo Checks

Legalize Weed Camo Checks

These progressive hemp personal check designs are creating quite the buzz! If you're an advocate of legalization, these distinctive checks offer a consistent way to spread your message around the nation! A great alternative to the real thing, these checks are completely legal to have on you at all times!

Leaf Personal Checks

Leaf Personal Checks

Cannibus Creation Personal Checks - Show your support for the new laws to approve the use of medical weed and to decriminalize it's use. This four check series is a very subtle way to send the message that you are in favor of the new laws and will help to bring awareness and support to the cause.