Optometrist Personal Checks

Specs Personal Checks

Specs Personal Checks

Specs Personal Checks - These humorous check designs are sure to get a smile and a laugh each time you open your checkbook. While these sunglasses might be a bit too big, they certainly do the trick! Share these Specs Personal Checks every time you write out a bank check!

Optometry Checks

Optometry Checks

Open your eyes wide and tell us what you think of these unique personal checks for optometry professionals!

Optometry Checkbook Cover

Optometry Checkbook Cover

Looking Good Personal Checks

Looking Good Personal Checks

Looking Good Personal Checks - Get your glasses on and take a close look at this bright and bubbly collection. It features four spectacular spectacle designs, perfect for the proud "four-eyes" folks. As the saying goes, smart is sexy and these personal checks are a smart choice.

Eyeglass Checks

Eyeglass Checks

Fun and colorful glasses make this a very unique personal check design. Click to see them now!

Eyeglass Checkbook Cover

Eyeglass Checkbook Cover