Political Personal Checks

Vote! Personal Checks

Vote! Personal Checks

Your opinions matter, so voice them by exercising your right to vote and reminding others the importance of their participation in the political system.

Vote Personal Checks

Vote Personal Checks

Vote Personal Checks - If you believe in voting to make a difference in this world, then vote yes for these personal bank checks! Flashing your beliefs on your personal checks is a subtle yet effective way to really make an impact.

Stupid Tea Party Personal Checks

Stupid Tea Party Personal Checks

Stupid Tea Party Personal Checks - These humorous checks make light of the current political situation and definitely express a viewpoint. If you think that the Tea Party is just a little carried away and you can see it is a delicate balancing act, then share your views each time you open your checkbook!These checks say:- You Can't Fix Stupid, but you can vote them out!